Breeding Sugar Gliders is a huge commitment and should not be taken lightly. It is very time consuming, financially your lucky to break even when taking proper care of moms, and dads. And then comes turning them over to new homes and hoping you made the right choice in care of your animals and emotionally it's hard you need to be very involved to socialize all joeys. moms and dads.
It is not an easy matter of just placing a male and female together and waiting for the joeys to come out of pouch. You have to take a look at the genetics of a pairing and make sure their coi, kinship and lineage are compatible. Then comes individual personalities and making sure they get along and then continuous monitoring of your colony to prevent fights, and separate gliders to a new colony when appropriate such as the situations of Mating wounds, Joey rejections, cannibalizations.
Being a Responsible sugar glider breeders means knowing and or doing the following...
Proper housing and husbandry giving your gliders a large enough enclosure to ensure the ability to glide and play with their enrichment things in their cages and switching up those things to prevent boredom. making sure all enclosures, toys, dishes, and bedding are kept sanitary and clean.
Proper diet there is a list here on the page of various staple diets and links to get the things for your particular choice. Choose one that is adequate for your moms and dads and provides the extra for joeys while in pouch and to thrive on when they are growing.
lineage is important not greed but needed because without it you risk genetic deformities which can take many shapes joey rejection and cannibalization, missing eyes, limbs, poor immune system, seizures, early death, FTT etc.) if you are being a responsible breeder, you will also include any health issues in The Pet Glider(tpg) database remarks section.
All males who you sell as pets should be neutered this ensures no backyard breeding females cannot be spayed due to their complex anatomy it is not safe to do so.
Having a knowledgeable vet an in actuality having multiple just in case you can't get into the first it's so scary in a emergency to be searching for a vet so try to plan before needed the best you can.
finding the proper homes marketing your animals and providing answers to potential homes and answering and being there for your new joeys' homes after they go home as needed.
Daily monitoring of your babies and their babies weight checks and monitoring conditions and addressing concerns.
Realizing some females breed really fast and are baby stackers having babies back-to-back some in pouch and out of pouch at the same time. or weaning joeys and babies out of pouch soon after
Females have a pouch and 2 uteruses. Males have a bifurcated penis.
When a female comes into heat (every 28 days) they will mate.
The female will be pregnant for 16 days. After those 16 days she will give birth and make a “Lickey trail” out of saliva up to her pouch so the tiny joey (size of a grain of rice deaf and blind will crawl up the trail and settle in her pouch attaching to a nipple it swells and they are latched until out of pouch
Females usually give birth to 1 or 2 joeys at a time, but it has occurred rarely that they have 3 & 4.
Joeys will incubate in their mother’s pouches for about 9-10 weeks. They are considered out of pouch (OOP) when they fully detach from mom’s teat. Their eyes will open at 7-10 days OOP.
Mom will make a hissing, rattlesnake-like sound to shake them off the teat so that she can start regulating feedings AND so she can go out of the pouch to exercise and eat.
Dad will keep the joeys warm while Mom goes out of the pouch. Dad is a very important part of raising the joeys so never, ever separate a breeding pair with joeys from each other unless it is medically necessary such as with sickness, mating wounds, joey threat of rejection or fighting with each other.
At 4-6 weeks old they will start sampling Staple diet of their parents & exploring out of their sleeping pouch
Joeys are ready to go to their new homes between 8-10 weeks of age. Depending on weight and eating. Do not separate or wean joeys less than 8 weeks old from their parents.